Do Artists need Visas in the USA?
Is a visa needed for an artist traveling to the United States? What if you are going to promote and you are not going to get paid? The answer is YES!
Any activity around your career, except attending a meeting or going to see Mickey Mouse is work. Even if you don’t get paid. Even if you come to record, promote, and interview, you need a visa! Moreover, if immigration stops you, your tourist visa can be revoked, and/or worse. Deportation and baring you from entering the United States can be considered.
What types of Visas exist?
In the United States, multiple types of visas exists, and each one has a function.
There are family-based visas and work visas.
Family-based visas are when a relative petitions you to come to the United States as an immigrant or non-immigrant.
Work visas, on the other hand, are given through employment-based petitions. Here, an employer petitions you to come work in the United States either as an immigrant or non-immigrant.
What Work Visa Can I get as an Artist?
Visas for artists have two types of classification The classifications that apply to entertainment are the O and P classifications.
These classifications also have visas that apply to students, Canadians, as well as spouses and dependents of foreign artists.
What is an O Visa and who Can Get It?
The O Visas are for anyone with extraordinary ability, in the case of musicians or actors, it would specifically be extraordinary ability in the arts.
The O Visa classification also applies to said person’s support personnel, as well as the family members of the main applicant and their support personnel. These are initially granted for a maximum period of three years.

What is a P Visa and who Can Get It?
The P Visas are short-term work visas. There are three categories, P-1 P-2, and P-3. Firstly, P-1 Visas are for entertainment groups, not individuals. In addition, this visa type takes into account international reputation of a group that has been performing regularly for at least a year.
Secondly, P-2 Visas are available to artists or entertainment groups. This type are for those who plan to perform under a reciprocal exchange program between the U.S. and another country, for example.
Lastly, P-3 Visas are available to artists or entertainment groups, to perform in a culturally unique nature, in which they will be teaching or representing something culturally unique.
In conclusion, all three P visa classifications immediate family members and support personnel can be brought as well.
¿Necesitas una visa si vas a venir a los Estados Unidos para hacer promoción y no te van a pagar?
Claro que si! Cualquier actividad alrededor de tu carrera a excepción de atender una reunión o ir a ver a Mickey Mouse es trabajo.
Así no te paguen, así vengas a grabar, a promover, a entrevistas, necesitas una visa!
Si inmigración te detiene, te pueden revocar tu visa de turista y peor, deportar y prohibirte de entrar a los Estados Unidos!
¿Qué es una visa de trabajo?
En Estados Unidos, existen muchos tipos de visas y cada una tiene una función. Vamos a enfocarnos en la visa de trabajo para las artes, específicamente en la clasificación O y P.
Estas clasificaciones también tienen excepciones especiales que aplican a estudiantes, Canadienses, al igual que a parejas y dependientes de artistas foráneos.
¿Quien puede obtener una visa de trabajo?
Cualquier persona que tenga una habilidad extraordinaria en las artes, esto incluye cantantes, productores, bailarines, fotógrafos, artistas, atletas, entre otros.
A la misma vez, las personas que hagan parte del equipo o que ofrezcan soporte a estas personas también podrían calificar para una visa de trabajo bajo el beneficiario principal sea el artista o grupo.
Header photo by Andrew Petrischev on Unsplash